How to check the pointcloud data rate from the turtlebot laptop to the workstation?
Hi, I am successfully getting the pointclouds from the turtlebot and am able to view the cloud in my workstation. I would like to know the rate at which the original published data reaches the workstation so as to process the cloud in the similar or lesser rate. How to check the rate?
Any help here is appreciated.
Thanks, Karthik
When i do the
rostopic hz /camera/rgb/points
I get the following response
average rate: 0.177
min: 5.369s max: 7.301s std dev: 0.35833s window: 26
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages
average rate: 0.177
min: 5.369s max: 7.301s std dev: 0.35166s window: 27
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages
average rate: 0.177
min: 5.369s max: 7.301s std dev: 0.34511s window: 28
no new messages
How do i interpret this?
You are getting messages at 0.177 Hz, that is about 1 message every 6s.
1 message here is the entire cloud right? 640x480 points in a single msg?
Yes, each message is an entire cloud. Resolution depends on your settings. One cloud at full resolution has almost 10 MByte of data...