Passing arguments with action client
I want to control an Franka Emika robot using action servers. The gripper Operation franka_gripper::HomingAction() is working with:
actionlib::SimpleActionClient<franka_gripper::HomingAction> ac("franka_gripper/homing", true);
ROS_INFO("Waiting for action server to start.");
bool success=ac.isServerConnected(); //will wait for infinite time
if (success)
{ROS_INFO("Verbindung hergestellt");}
ROS_INFO("Action server started, sending goal.");
franka_gripper::HomingGoal goal;
Now I would like to use the MoveAction as descriped in the documentation where I have to pass the arguments for width and speed. However I don't get how to do this. I checked the MoveGoal.msg which tells that two floats are needed. I tried to set them with:
ac.sendGoal(width, speed);
which is not working. Analogously to the tutorial ( ) I used goal.order= in different variation like
goal.order {width, speed};
but it seems not to know the order function. So my question is how I can set this parameters correctly.