Puppet error in buildfarm master reconfiguration.bash
This is in continuation with this question. I performed all the steps and now I'm facing this error when I'm running the reconfiguration.bash script for master.
Puppet (err): Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Error from DataBinding 'hiera' while looking up 'ntp::autoupdate': (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 33 column 1 at /root/buildfarm_deployment/modules/profile/manifests/ros/base.pp:8:3 on node ubuntu.localdomain
Can anyone help me out on what is actually going on ?
EDIT - 1
jenkins::slave::ui_user: 'admin'
jenkins::slave::ui_pass: 'password' #some password
jenkins::slave::masterurl: 'http://master:8080'
master::ip: 192.168.182.xxx
repo::ip: 192.168.182.yyy
timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
key: #generated public key
type: ssh-rsa
user: jenkins-agent
require: User[jenkins-agent]
autoreconfigure: false
autoreconfigure::command: 'bash -c "cd /root/buildfarm_deployment_config && git fetch origin xenialize && git reset --hard origin/xenialize && ./reconfigure.bash"'
docker::manage_kernel: false
user::admin::name: admin
user::admin::password_hash: 'password' #password from jenkins::slave::ui_pass in common.yaml
credentials::jenkins-slave::username: jenkins-agent
credentials::jenkins-slave::id: 1e7d4696-7fd4-4bc6-8c87-ebc7b6ce16e5
credentials::jenkins-slave::passphrase: 4lRsx/NwfEndwUlcWOOnYg==
jenkins_java_args: '-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx20g'
jenkins::nodeMonitor::minimum_disk_space: 50G
jenkins::lts: true
jenkins::version: '2.89.4'
jenkins::slave::executors: 1
jenkins::slave::install_java: false
jenkins::slave::labels: agent_on_master
jenkins::slave::slave_mode: exclusive
jenkins::slave::slave_name: agent_on_master
jenkins::private_ssh_key: | #generated private key paired with public key in common.yaml.
jenkins::github::username: ros-pull-request-builder
jenkins::github::token: somegithubtoken
Most likely you've got an error in one of the yaml files you've edited. If you can't show us the files, try some on-line/off-line yaml syntax checkers.
I have edited my question and I have posted the yaml files.