Building ROS Android applications [closed]
I'm trying to learn to build an Android application using ROS. I've followed the instructions to create an app from:
I can build the application, but cannot run it. I have also tried building android_teleop and the other sample applications but cannot run them either. Rosmake seems to only generate jar files, not an apk package. How do I compile the result into an Android application?
I have also tried loading the resulting project in Eclipse and selecting Run as Android Application. This causes Eclipse to freeze and have to be force killed. I'm new to this and feel like I'm missing something pretty basic, but any suggestions would be appreciated.
EDIT: I tracked the main problem down to the fact that the jvm was running out of memory. Starting Eclipse with: 'eclipse -vmargs -Xmx512m' seems to fix the problem. Should starting an empty rosjava app require that much memory?
The app tries to start now but crashes with a java.lang.RuntimeException:
03-05 18:36:03.567: E/AndroidRuntime(347): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/]
EDIT 2: I get a similar error running android_teleop.
03-05 18:54:13.827: E/AndroidRuntime(431): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/]
I assume there is something not set correctly in my path, but do not know what. I have sourced setup.bash on the appmanandroid package and the Android SDK's are in my system path. Any suggestions?
Hi, David! If you want I can upload image my virtual machine (VMware 8) in which all android sample projects are compiled. Size of VM is about 16 GB