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TF - Transform world frame update rate should be fastest

asked 2018-05-15 07:19:04 -0600

Markus gravatar image

updated 2018-05-15 07:21:17 -0600

Hey there,

I am basically doing a transformation from camera_link to world frame

Here is the message before the transformation in [camera_link] frame:

  seq: 0
  stamp: 4.723000000
  frame_id: camera_link
uid: 0
  x: 1.10738
  y: -0.16057
  z: 0.241941
  x: -0.00120042
  y: 0.0169336
  z: 0.240961
diameter: 0.064
diameter_px: 26.401
  covariance[0]: 0.000693303
  covariance[1]: 0.000586575
  covariance[2]: 0.00238198
  covariance[3]: 0
  covariance[4]: 0
  covariance[5]: -0
confidence: 1

And this is the message after it was transformed: [in world]

  seq: 0
  stamp: 4.723000000
  frame_id: world
uid: 0
  x: 0.322941
  y: -0.21167
  z: 1.0397
  x: 0.321961
  y: -0.0341664
  z: 2.14828
diameter: 0.064
diameter_px: 26.401
  covariance[0]: 0.000693303
  covariance[1]: 0.000586575
  covariance[2]: 0.00238198
  covariance[3]: -4.13646e-13
  covariance[4]: 1.5708
  covariance[5]: 0
confidence: 1

Now actually the high velocities in the world frame could not be correct ....

I have only doubts on how this errors occur:

1) It is because of the different update rate: rosrun tf view_frames

image description

-> the world frame update rate should always be the fastest????

2) I did not set a seq in the header???

3) rosrun tf tf_monitor camera_link world

RESULTS: for camera_link to world Chain is: camera_link -> camera_mount_link -> camera_footprint -> world Net delay avg = -0.0952712: max = 0

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Can you give us some more details, what is the type of the message you are transforming and what code are you using to transform it. The magnitude of the velocity should be constant so there is definitely something wrong.

PeteBlackerThe3rd gravatar image PeteBlackerThe3rd  ( 2018-05-15 10:55:25 -0600 )edit

Another comment about the rates shown by rosrun tf view_frames. The rates are not attached to the frames but to the relationships between them. There is not particular reason why any of them have to be faster or slower than any others.

PeteBlackerThe3rd gravatar image PeteBlackerThe3rd  ( 2018-05-15 13:48:32 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-05-16 01:39:56 -0600

Markus gravatar image

So I just figured it out:

I was trying to transform a Velocity in the same way as a point from one coordinate frame to another one, but when transforming velocities the vector does not have to be shifted but simply be rotated:

void name::transformVelocity(const tf::StampedTransform& transform, const geometry_msgs::Point& vel_in, geometry_msgs::Point& vel_out) const
  tf::Point p;
  tf::pointMsgToTF(vel_in, p);

  tf::StampedTransform transform_tmp = transform;
  transform_tmp.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
  p = transform_tmp * p;
  tf::pointTFToMsg(p, vel_out);
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Asked: 2018-05-15 07:19:04 -0600

Seen: 452 times

Last updated: May 16 '18