Global Path Planner Plugin with Oscillating Husky and Flickering Path Issue
I am trying to make a predefined path for my robot to follow.
From my question here, I was adviced to create a custom global planner plugin to define the path and allow the local planner to follow it. I have gone through the famous global planner plugin tutorial, and I am currently trying to implement the code that is posted as an answer to this question by @tianb03.
I am using the husky navigation package. When I give a final orientation in rviz, the path generated by me is visible but the husky seems to be stuck at its initial position. Once I give the husky a little push, it begins to follow the path towards the goal; however, this path quickly disappear and appear repeatedly, causing the husky to run around in circles...
Here is a link to a video illustrating my problem:
I am wondering, why is this happening? How can I make the husky follow my predefined global path as close as possible before coming to a stop at the destination? (Do I always have to define the orientation? Can it just stop in its tracks as it nears the goal pose without correcting its orientation to a user defined input?)
Below is my implementation of the global planner plugin as suggested by @tianb03 (Based on the carrot planner cpp):
#include <carrot_planner/carrot_planner.h>
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
//register this planner as a BaseGlobalPlanner plugin
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(carrot_planner::CarrotPlanner, nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner)
namespace carrot_planner {
: costmap_ros_(NULL), initialized_(false){}
CarrotPlanner::CarrotPlanner(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros)
: costmap_ros_(NULL), initialized_(false){
initialize(name, costmap_ros);
void CarrotPlanner::initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros){
costmap_ros_ = costmap_ros;
costmap_ = costmap_ros_->getCostmap();
ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~/" + name);
private_nh.param("step_size", step_size_, costmap_->getResolution());
private_nh.param("min_dist_from_robot", min_dist_from_robot_, 0.10);
world_model_ = new base_local_planner::CostmapModel(*costmap_);
initialized_ = true;
ROS_WARN("This planner has already been initialized... doing nothing");
//we need to take the footprint of the robot into account when we calculate cost to obstacles
double CarrotPlanner::footprintCost(double x_i, double y_i, double theta_i){
ROS_ERROR("The planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() to use the planner");
return -1.0;
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint = costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint();
//if we have no footprint... do nothing
if(footprint.size() < 3)
return -1.0;
//check if the footprint is legal
double footprint_cost = world_model_->footprintCost(x_i, y_i, theta_i, footprint);
return footprint_cost;
bool CarrotPlanner::makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start,
const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan){
ROS_ERROR("The planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() to use the planner");
return false;
ROS_DEBUG("Got a start: %.2f, %.2f, and a goal: %.2f, %.2f", start.pose.position.x, start.pose.position.y, goal.pose.position.x, goal.pose.position.y);
costmap_ = costmap_ros_->getCostmap();
if(goal.header.frame_id != costmap_ros_->getGlobalFrameID()){
ROS_ERROR("This planner as configured will only accept goals in the %s frame, but a goal was sent in the %s frame ...