Writing a new motion planner
I am writing my own planner , called SplineBasedPlanner . It takes in a set of waypoints, and interpolates them with a special kind of spline (not the ones already implemented by ROS). The spline is designed so that a vehicle ,whose params are specified in config files, can traverse the spline smoothly. I want this to plug into move_base.
However, I am confused about what kind of interface (i.e. API) I should provide to do so. Should SplineBasedPlanner resemble base_local_planner's interface? Or should it be more like TrajectoryPlanner? Are there multiple choices?
I'll be glad to provide more specific information if needed.
Update 1: From responses below , I really want both both local and global versions for the SplineBasedPlanner.
Is this planner targeted towards generating trajectories from one waypoint to next waypoint?? As DimitriProsser explained below, it is not clear.