Hokuyo laser not publishing any data
I have a Jackal with a Hokuyo laser and I am wanting the hokuyo laser to publish information to /front/scan so that I am able to use the Nav stack with my jackal robot, but I am unsure how to do this. The hokuyo is properly connected to the jackal but is not publishing any data for some reason.
Which hokuyo LiDAR are you using? It is connected via USB or ethernet? What node are you running to connect with the LiDAR?
I am using the Hokuyo UTM-30LX connected via USB. I am unsure of what node to use to connect to the LiDAR, that is the issue. Any help would be much appreciated, I am very new to ROS.
Ideally I want to publish the LiDAR data to a topic named /front/scan so I can use the nav stack to do autonomous navigation with the jackal