roslaunch error-ARCONTROLLER_Device
After entering a command:
roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch
in terminal, such errors appear:
[ERROR] [1531989337.211151222]: [ARCONTROLLER_Device] 10:35:37:211 | ARCONTROLLER_Device_StopNetwork:5822 - Error occured durring unregistering ARCommands to the feature ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY_GENER
[ERROR] [1531989337.211212468]: [ARCONTROLLER_Device] 10:35:37:211 | ARCONTROLLER_Device_StopNetwork:5831 - Error occured durring unregistering ARCommands to the feature ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY_ARDRO
Does somebody know how to fix it? I've heard about a solution with bridged network, do you know how it works?