How to have topics publish and subscribe both ways between host and docker container?
I have roscore running in docker. I have a bunch of topics, some are started by nodes inside the docker container, some are outside of the container, on host. I need some of these topics to subscribe to eachother. I can subscribe from host to topics that are inside docker and I can echo what's being published to them. But in the container I can't echo topics that are published on host.
For example, what I can do:
Inside docker: rostopic pub /dummy std_msgs/String "data: 'dummy text'" -r 10
On host: rostopic echo /dummy
and I see dummy text being printed
What I can't do:
On host: rostopic pub /dummy std_msgs/String "data: 'dummy text'" -r 10
Inside docker: rostopic echo /dummy
dummy text should be printed, but nothing is coming out
What I have tried:
,-e ROS_IP=
in indocker run
which made the first part work (publish topic in docker and echo from host)- modifiy
in docker container and on host - all sorts of combinations for
- running roscore on host and setting
rostopic list
works fine on host and in docker no matter where roscore runs. I can ping host from docker and vice versa. I also tested with netcat, both ways works fine, yet topics don't want to send data from host to docker.
In docker I have ros indigo (I can't decide what ros version is used) and on host I have melodic (I can install indigo if anyone thinks that might a problem).
By using --net=host
and ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
and running the subscriber from docker before the publisher from host I got it working. But this means subscriber must always run before publisher for my scripts to work.
What are the values for
on the host machine? Normally this kind of issue is caused by a problem with theROS_IP
variable at one side or other.See the UPDATE,
on host. And in docker, where I start roscore ROS_MASTER_URI is the same. I also start docker with--net=host