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rosbag record pointcloud2 and tf data best practice?

asked 2012-03-16 04:38:56 -0500

K Chen gravatar image

What is the best way to record pointcloud2 data? I tried rosbag record but the bag file becomes too large(2G) only for about 30 seconds. I tried -j to compress, but it cannot work with infinite buffer size(-b 0).

I tried: rosbag record -b 0 -O test.bag /tf /camera/rgb/points and rosbag record -b 0 -O test.bag -j /tf /camera/rgb/points

But both will exhaust all physical memory and throw a std::bad_alloc() exception then quit, so I have to limit the record to at most 80 seconds. Any option to drop down the frame rate or compress the pointcloud2 data into binary compressed .pcd files, but still maintain corresponding /tf data?

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-03-16 04:46:56 -0500

If you don't need all of this data, you can use the topic tools to drop or throttle messages, or the rostopic --filter to get rid of some messages.

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Thanks! That's what I am looking for.

K Chen gravatar image K Chen  ( 2012-03-16 21:07:05 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-03-16 04:38:56 -0500

Seen: 1,957 times

Last updated: Mar 16 '12