ROS: Google-cartographer / Mapping
I have to create a map, to do so I installed google cartographer and I'm using a 3D camera with whom I got the data of my surrounding. I am reading the documentation to the cartographer but I cant find the place where it is explaining to me how i do the mapping.
I know i have to start rviz but I don't know what the next step is. Am I getting the data of the camera in rviz? And is there any Youtube tutorial I can follow or something?
Have you had any luck figuring out how to do this? What 3D camera are you using? I'm trying to get a vlp-16 to work. I've been able to replicate the demos and play the rosbags and visualize the recorded maps, but not connect to an online robot yet.
I have a RGB camera (ifm3d). And I figured out that the cartographer expects 4 inputs: Range data, Odometry pose, IMU data and fixed frame pose. You can look it up here: https://google-cartographer.readthedo...
And to feed the sensor data to the cartographer, you have to use remap.
you can read it here: