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A ros service's request has too many arguments

asked 2018-08-13 19:00:58 -0500

yhe34 gravatar image

I need to create a ros service server which could check whether the given path (which can be generated by path planner), collides with surrounding obstacles. Because the path consists of hundreds of way points, it's not friendly to initialize a service request that contain all these points, and then pass that to the server. Could someone give some advice on this situation. How to make it more user-friendly.

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If the path is a nav_msgs/Path (or even a plain list of geometry_msgs/Pose(Stamped)), then wouldn't the path be passed in a single field of the request msg?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-08-14 02:33:07 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-09-19 23:30:48 -0500

jonlwowski012 gravatar image

I do not see any other way around it. I think you could just use a PoseArray and put all the waypoints into one PoseArray and then send that PoseArray to the service. Depending on how many way points, the service request shouldn't take too long to send.

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Asked: 2018-08-13 19:00:58 -0500

Seen: 354 times

Last updated: Sep 19 '18