Any chance of compiling ROS 2 from sources now
I had problems compiling the latest release, solved (not really - see the update) by switching to the latest master, but the latter brought other problems, purpotedly caused by some machine-generated code:
$ colcon build --symlink-install
Starting >>> rosidl_generator_cpp
Finished <<< class_loader [2.10s]
Starting >>> rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c
--- stderr: rosidl_generator_cpp
/home/art/ros2_ws/build/rosidl_generator_cpp/rosidl_generator_c/rosidl_generator_cpp/msg/string_arrays__functions.c: In function ‘rosidl_generator_cpp__msg__StringArrays__init’:
/home/art/ros2_ws/build/rosidl_generator_cpp/rosidl_generator_c/rosidl_generator_cpp/msg/string_arrays__functions.c:52:47: error: incompatible types when assigning to type ‘rosidl_generator_c__String {aka struct rosidl_generator_c__String}’ from type ‘char *’
msg->[0] = "What";
I wonder, how can I compile ROS 2 now from sources? I would need one which works with the RTI Connext DDS.
================== UPDATE
This is a parallel build, sometimes the same error shows as with release-latest.
If you don't need the latest changes from master you should stick to the latest release - Bouncy. Anyway both states build just fine for other as well as the CI system. There might be a problem in your process. Please post all exact steps you are doing "from scratch" and mention your platform.
I am on xenial (precisely, Ubuntu 16-based linux mint, but if it matters, ros would be the first app I know which cares) but anyway I was told that Bouncy is for Ubuntu 18. I will upgrade to Ubuntu 18-based mint and start from scratch.
Bouncy can be built from sources on Xenial (see REP-2000: ROS 2.0 Target Platforms).