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How to move the robot arm in straight line?

asked 2018-09-12 20:42:04 -0500

Ahmad gravatar image


I'm working on the ABB IRB14000 YUMI robot. I'm using the YUMI-kth package for controlling the robot. I'm just have a concern regarding the motion. I need to simply send POSE msg to the robot and the robot execute the motion as straight line motion like the MoveL command in RAPID.

I tried the

path constrains and to compute the Cartesian path but both of them are not working well with me, specially when moving both arms.

All what I need is to have a way to send the POSE msg and execute as MoveL in RAPID, Also if there is a way to do so by totally bypassing the Moveit as I'm not concerned with motion planning part in my application I just need to send xyz coordinates and the quaternions value and move in a straight line.

Thank you in advance.

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-09-13 01:21:21 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2018-09-13 01:21:39 -0500

If I'm not mistaken, both the default driver (abb_driver) and the KTH YuMi adaptation work in joint space only. So straightlines will require some form of inverse kinematics and will be played out using joint space motion primitives. That means no straight lines.

These drivers are also more geared towards using them with on-line applications that generate motions based on sensor data and need low-level control or execute "complex" joint space trajectories. Your use (simple MoveL) is not properly supported.

As to your specific problem:

compute the Cartesian path but [it is] not working well with me, specially when moving both arms.

computeCartesianPath(..) only interpolates vectors of geometry_msgs/Pose, it doesn't have any concept of "arm". I'm not sure how you used it exactly.

Perhaps you could take a look at abb_librws. It is a C++ library that allows you to directly interface with the Robot Web Services running on the IRC5 controller (RW6 required, but YuMi has that).

Among other things, it supports:

  • Reading/writing of RAPID data.
  • Starting/stopping/resetting the RAPID program.
  • Uploading/downloading/removing files.

Perhaps using a combination of these could work.

Unfortunately its companion library abb_libegm cannot be used with YuMi yet.

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Thank you for your answer I'll try your suggestions and reply back with the result I get

Ahmad gravatar image Ahmad  ( 2018-09-13 12:05:03 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-09-12 20:42:04 -0500

Seen: 1,243 times

Last updated: Sep 13 '18