How to change the message type of a topic ?
I am facing this error when I try to launch my pose3D.launch node :
[ERROR] [1537274177.574505613]: Client [/pose3D] wants topic /odo to have datatype/md5sum [interval_map_msg/odo/18550ae0562d2d3f5ac16bd524fd7ee4], but our version has [motion_common_msg/Odometry/53fb859e63296783fbcea5a91fdc0352]. Dropping connection.
I have a rosbag with a topic /vehicle/odometry, and the message type is supposed to be /interval_map_msg/odo. Has the error message say, I think my rosbag is sending the wrong type of message but when print the msg of my rosbag thanks to a python script i can clearly see this is the good type.
So I am guessing the msg of my rosbag has a type of msg has motion_common_msg/Odometry and even if interval_map_msg/odo msg type is the same, ros can't recognize it.
When i run the command line
rostopic info /interval_map_msg/odo
I get the following :
Type: motion_common_msg/Odometry
Publishers: * /rqt_gui_cpp_node_30580 ( http://agoldstrich-Precision-7520:46015/ )
Subscribers: None
So indeed I need to change my topic type. Is it possible to change it ? And how can I do that ?