Plotting Lidar Scan data in rviz
Hi People,
I've been recently working on ROS with my new Husky A200 Robot from Clearpath. Platform Details: OS - Ubuntu 11.10 ROS - ros-electric-desktop-full Sensor - Hokuyo Lidar Issue - rviz output for laser scan
I opened rviz in its default state using
rosrun rviz rviz -l
Later I tried to add an interface for LaserScan and in the topics field I chose /lidar/scan However, I dont see any output and instead I get the error message as shown below:
topic: no message received
Transform:sender=/lidar/hokuyo : For frame [laser]: Frame [laser] does not exist
A simple command like rxplot /lidar/scan gives me the data from my Lidar scanner which implies I am able to communicate with the sensor otherwise.
looking forward for a reply that could help me proceed with my Lidar. Thanks.