Exact relative position between two links
Hi! I'll be blunt...
I used LDD and lxf2urdf to build a robot and I want to change the parent of some of the links because I need certain parts to be independent of the rest of the robot (e.g. the back wheel) if I intend to make some of the joints continuous.
I tried using rviz to select the links and see their relative position, but I found that those numbers aren't precise enough. So how do I know the relative position between two links with the maximum possible precision?
I didn't find any questions regarding this, excuse me if I just couldn't find them! :(
For example, let's take a random joint from my .urdf file:
<joint name="ref_70_joint" type="fixed">
<parent link="ref_58_link_hub"/>
<child link="ref_60_link"/>
<origin xyz="-0.0135999953902 6.27180865763e-08 0.00020025516928" rpy="3.14159265343 1.5396542947e-05 -1.04458704296e-05" />
<axis xyz="0 0 0" />
Now let's see what rosrun tf tf_echo /ref_58_link_hub /ref_60_link returns:
At time 1332949971.511
- Translation: [0.014, 0.000, -0.000]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.000, -0.000, 1.000, -0.000]
in RPY [-3.142, -0.000, -0.000]
As you can see I only get three decimal digits, just like rviz.