Rosserial Arduino Proper Use Of Float32MultiArray
Hi I am struggling for a week for the proper use of Float32MultiArray. I am using an Arduino mega and I have an IMU which sends the data over Serial2 for yaw, pitch and roll data.
I tested the IMU code and it is working well. Then I tried to publish the data to ROS using Float32MultiArray and that's where the problem comes in.
With the below code, I can see the IMU data is reading but the "/imu_ypr" topic is not published. If I comment out the "imu_ypr_msg" layout code, I can see the topic "/imu_ypr" using "rostopic list" but the IMU is not reading the data. I guess it is something related to the memory allocation but I cannot figure it out. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
#include <ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float32MultiArray.h>
#include <std_msgs/MultiArrayDimension.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
float yaw = 0;
float pitch = 0;
float roll = 0;
int index = 0;
int temp;
byte data;
byte imu_buffer[20];
ros::NodeHandle nh;
std_msgs::Float32MultiArray imu_ypr_msg;
ros::Publisher pub_imu_ypr("imu_ypr", &imu_ypr_msg);
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
/*imu_ypr_msg.layout.dim_length = 1;
imu_ypr_msg.layout.dim[0].label = "imu";
imu_ypr_msg.layout.dim[0].size = 3;
imu_ypr_msg.layout.dim[0].stride = 3;
imu_ypr_msg.layout.data_offset = 0;
imu_ypr_msg.layout.dim = (std_msgs::MultiArrayDimension *)malloc(sizeof(std_msgs::MultiArrayDimension) * 2); */
imu_ypr_msg.data_length = 3; = (float *)malloc((sizeof(float))*imu_ypr_msg.data_length * 2);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
imu_check();[0] = yaw;[1] = pitch;[2] = roll;
void imu_setup() {
void imu_check() {
if(Serial2.available() > 0) {
//data =;
data =;
if(data == 0xA5) {
index = 0;
imu_buffer[index++] = data;
} else if(index==1 && data==0x5A) {
imu_buffer[index++] = data;
} else if(index==2 && data==0x12) {
imu_buffer[index++] = data;
} else if(index==3 && data==0xA1) {
imu_buffer[index++] = data;
} else if(index >= 4) {
imu_buffer[index++] = data;
if(index > 9) {
nh.loginfo("IMU data found");
temp = 0;
temp = imu_buffer[4];
temp <<= 8;
temp |= imu_buffer[5];
if(temp & 0x8000) {
temp = 0 - (temp & 0x7fff);
} else {
temp = (temp & 0x7fff);
yaw = (float)temp / 10.0f;
temp = 0;
temp = imu_buffer[6];
temp <<= 8;
temp |= imu_buffer[7];
if(temp & 0x8000) {
temp = 0 - (temp & 0x7fff);
} else {
temp = (temp & 0x7fff);
pitch = (float)temp / 10.0f;
temp = 0;
temp = imu_buffer[8];
temp <<= 8;
temp |= imu_buffer[9];
if(temp & 0x8000) {
temp = 0 - (temp & 0x7fff);
} else {
temp = (temp & 0x7fff);
roll = (float)temp / 10.0f;
index = 0;
Serial.print("yaw: ");
Serial.print(" pitch: ");
Serial.print(" roll: ");
I gave up on using multiarray and I switched to custom message instead.