Windows 10 ROS1 problem (not using WSL)
Hi , I tried to install ROS1 melodic on windows 10 ( not the using the WSL). I have this error when i use the command:
$ catkin_make
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:20 (message): Search for 'catkin' in workspace failed (catkin_find_pkg catkin C:/ws/turtlebot3/src):
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "C:/ws/turtlebot3/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". Invoking "cmake" failed
I think this is because I don't know how to do an equivalent of this echo "source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
But i didn't find catkin in the c:\opt\ directory. So maybe i miss something or maybe catkin is not in these directories.
If someone from Microsoft reads this, maybe it exists a complete tutorial only for ros for windows to explain how to create a simple subscriber and a publisher from within visual studio. At this time, I don't find something about this. The tutorial to install is great, but it seems not enough for me.
Edit: Thank you Sean and Lou,
Good to have an answer from you ! I met you at ROSCon one month ago.
I completely followed the guide from Microsoft, included Windows troubleshooting guide. So I used these 2 commands "choco upgrade ros-melodic-desktop -y" and "choco upgrade ros-catkin-tools" before asking here with no success.
I think I found the problem. When using "c:\opt\ros\melodic\x64\setup.bat", env variables are set. But I have this for the PATH (before my regular path): C:/opt/ros/melodic/x64\lib;C:/opt/rosdeps/x64\lib;C:/opt/ros/melodic/x64\bin;C:/opt/ros/melodic/x64\lib;C:/opt/rosdeps/x64\lib;C:/opt/rosdeps/x64\bin
Why / and \ ??? But it's not the problem here.
I add the python path (because catkin_find_package is in it): set PATH=c:\opt\python27amd64\Scripts;c:\opt\python27amd64;%PATH%
And it works ! So maybe a problem of the setup.bat script ?
So now I will continue my progress and will test with a publisher and a subsriber.
One more question: in your GettingStarted Guide, you tell to install Visual Studio Community edition 2017. I know this great IDE and used it for projets with my students. But in the case of ROS, what are the advantages using it compared to VScode with ROS VSCode Extension ?
Thanks again and good to see that Microsoft is back in the robotics area !
In your command prompt, have you run "c:\opt\ros\melodic\x64\setup.bat" before running "catkin_make"? Does it exist "C:/opt/ros/melodic/x64\share\catkin" in your installation?
Hi Sean, Thanks for your reply. Yes I used the setup.bat (if not used, we have not the good env variables). The directory catkin exists but contains only cmake directory. The problem is elsewhere (see my answer to Lou below).
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