ROS 2, Crystal Clemmys: not found test_pluginlib/

asked 2018-12-09 10:24:12 -0600

LanderU gravatar image


I have installed from sources Crystal Clemmys following the instructions from here:

My system is:

lander@wks4:/media/lander/Datos1/github/ros2_crystal$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Release:    16.04
Codename:   xenial

I have compiled changing the tag to master. As explained in the docs. I compiled using the following command:

colcon build --merge-install

No problems with the compilation :). When I source my workspace as follows:

lander@wks4:/media/lander/Datos1/github/ros2_crystal$ source install/setup.bash 
not found: "/media/lander/Datos1/github/ros2_crystal/install/share/test_pluginlib/"
not found: "/media/lander/Datos1/github/ros2_crystal/install/share/test_pluginlib/local_setup.bash"

I got the warnings shows above. I think is not a problem because I’m able to run the demos using Fast-RTPS and OpenSplice rmw implementations. Is just to inform you.

Thank you!



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