Shared library not found when run from install space
I am trying to install ROS packages on a system using the catkin_make install
command. Everything builds just fine. Also, when running from the devel space, everything works as expected. However, when running from the install space I get the following runtime error:
/home/pr2/ros_ws/install/lib/glugun_laserscanner/glugun_seamfinder_service: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I know where this shared library and the corresponding header files are located, as can be seen when I print the TensorFlow_INCLUDE_DIRS
and TensorFlow_LIBRARIES
in glugun_laserscanner/CMakeLists.txt
I've tried "installing" them along with all the other stuff from my catkin packages. However, I'm a novice and haven't been able to get it to work. Note, I largely followed these instructions to build tensorflow (and protobuf and eigen) for use in a cmake project, except I installed them locally instead of system wide.
Any help at getting past the above error would be greatly appreciated.