build farm - accessing private repository using git over ssh
I'm currently in the process of setting up an add-on fork of the build farm. The intention is to build a couple of private packages to support development and integration of them. The farm should build for melodic.
After several weeks of the build farm is up and running - in general. I'm using an additional distributions-yaml file. So the private packages will have a tag and the farm builds only packages with this tag.
I'm stuck at the task how to add a private (release) package to the build farm.
Currently melodic_rosdistro-cache fails:
23:41:06 melodic: missing package.xml file for package "example"
23:41:06 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
23:41:06 SSH: Current build result is [FAILURE], not going to run.
No wonder since I don't know how to configure the build farm to access private repositories.
We normally use git over ssh. Thus we access the repository via e.g. "ssh://git@" using a ssh-rsa key.
I suppose I have to add the host key to common.yaml
ssh_host_keys: |1|BmGVZbXUErOjDe66B3CWNu2q8CI=|Xb3F2AVGZahgjclWEG3u7UuMIsM= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICGrJe1TApLZFjsCUEhiOGOpJ350NNZFFrHsEOyobs1k
My questions are:
- Can I use git over ssh to pull this package?
Is this a way which is promising, or is using github (with private repositories) the way to go?
Where do I put the private ssh key to authenticate against the git server? What is the exact format for it?
- Where do I specify to use this key for this server? What is the exact format?
- Can I use an private key which is password protected or does it need to be without password? (If password protection is possible, where do I provide the password?)
Thank you in advance!