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Turtlebot - get distance from laser to wall.

asked 2012-04-05 05:46:14 -0500

anonymous user


updated 2016-10-24 08:59:44 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I am trying to get the distance between the turtlebot kinect laser to a wall - could someone point me in the right direction - i've just started using the turtlebot.

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-04-05 06:59:50 -0500

Mac gravatar image

Take a look at the LaserScan message that the turtlebot publishes; this is a horizontal slice through the point cloud generated by the Kinect. The turtlebot uses this message as input to various techniques (like gmapping) that expect a two-dimensional laser scan as input.

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Asked: 2012-04-05 05:46:14 -0500

Seen: 1,015 times

Last updated: Apr 05 '12