How can I publish messages from pc to android phone (android_tutorial_pubsub)
I have modified the android_tutorial_pubsub using the Lorenz's patch ( I connect the pc and phone to the same router and set the masterURI to the ip of the pc which is Then I start to see the familiar "Hello world! n". On pc, I can see the android node and the talker using $rosnode list, like: /android_gingerbread/ros_text_view /rosjava_tutorial_pubsub/talker /rosout. However, in the rxgraph mode, the 3 nodes are not connected to each other. Why? Then, I tried to publish a message using $rostopic pub /chatter std_msgs/String -r 1 "abc". But the Textview in the phone didn't show any message like "abc" but still "Hello world!n". The rxgraph show the 4 nodes separately (not connected to each other). I got really confused. Can anybody help me on this? I am new to the Rosjava, and any help will really be appreciated. Thank you.
when I tick on the ALL Topics option on the rxgraph. The 4 nodes are connected correctly. But the Text view is still not showing the "abc". This is really difficult to understand for me. Anyone can help me??