Yaml file loaded in the parameter server but disappears after.
Hello everyone,
I have an issue with my parameters, when I launched my launch file where I load the yaml file, I can see that parameters from the yaml file are being loaded to the parameter server, but when I look after with rostopic list, there is no trace of my parameters anymore.
I load the yaml file with this :
<group ns="structure">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find approche)/config/structure.yaml" />
In the terminal, I got :
* /rosdistro: kinetic
* /rosversion: 1.12.14
* /structure/angle: 120
* /structure/bras: 3
* /structure/longueur: 550
But, there is nothing of that in Rostopic list or with rqt_graph...
I am using Kinetic with Ubuntu 16.