ImportError: No module named xxxxxxx.msg
Hi everyone,
my question has two parts:
first part :
when I run the code from the terminal is Ok after this command:
catkin_ws$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
but it needs to run this command every close and open again, how to solve this issue??
second part:
when I run the code from the spyder:
the output:
ImportError: No module named xxxxxxx.msg
how to solve this issue??
I read from the previous questions and answers to other people, solving this problem by
gedit ~/.bashrc
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/home/redhwan/catkin_ws/:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash & source ~/.bashrc
not solve my issue
information system:
ubuntu 14.01
python 2.7
spyder 2.2.5
CUDA 0.9
path msg:
please help me
thank you in advance
Having to source the workspace is not a bug, it's intended behaviour. Say you have multiple workspaces, you only want to source the one that's relevant to you right now. You could "solve it by adding the command to bashrc but I do not recommend it.
With regards to the import error, you'll have to post the code you're tying to run.
first of all, thank you so much @SleepyTurtle those msgs:
system indigo