Visualize pointcloud2 without PCL [closed]
I have a stereo-camera and it provides rgb images as well as pointcloud2 data, to which I subscribe like this:
self.pointcloud_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/nerian_stereo/point_cloud", PointCloud2, self.pointcloud_cb) # get the pointcloud
now that I want to see the depth map via cloud, I think I need in my callback a way to interpret the data. Here is my starting point:
def pointcloud_cb(self, scan):
points_list = []
for data in pc2.read_points(scan, skip_nans=True):
points_list.append([data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]])
While this displays the output, it's far from what I want to do. Plus, I don't know how this data can be visualized without PCL. On rviz
I can visualize the cloud nicely, opening up a window that does the same with the received data, would be really nice. Later on I can establish association with the RGB image it provides, with the depth map I see, and eventually fin the 3D locations of the objects I am interested in.
Does anyone have an idea?
Might be due to me because this is not my area of expertise, but I haven't understood what you're trying to do and why. Could you clarify?
To visualize the incoming point cloud data without using PCL libraries (I'm on Python and the PCL bindings are buggy).
Hey, you found a answer to the Question?