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problems with points_and_lines tutorial

asked 2012-04-12 06:52:49 -0500

macduffproffitt gravatar image

updated 2012-07-02 13:37:58 -0500

mjcarroll gravatar image

I'm new to Ubuntu and ROS and I'm trying to use your tutorial to get myself started with rviz and ROS visualization capabilities. Ultimately I want to read from SICK LiDAR and visualize the point clouds generated from that.

I am encountering errors trying to run the tutorial here, and hoped you could help me.

First in my ros_workspace I created a package using_markers

Then I created a file points_and_lines.cpp and pasted your code into it

I then copied points_and_lines.cpp into an srv folder in the using_markers package using roscp

This all executed without a problem

Where I began encountering issues was when I tried to execute rosmake on the file as instructed in the tutorial. 14/15 operations execute, but the 15th fails issuing the warning WARNING: Skipped command line arguments: ['points_and_lines.cpp'] because they could not be resolved to a stack name or a package name.

As I said I am new to Linux and ROS and I imagine I have made some strange syntax errror; have you ever encountered this before and how can I resolve it?

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answered 2012-04-12 07:23:46 -0500

Lorenz gravatar image

Please always copy-paste the exact commands you were using. It's always hard to guess what you did just from the error messages.

It looks like you called rosmake points_and_lines.cpp. This is not how it works. You need to create a ros package, copy your source file into it, edit CMakeLists.txt and create a binary target and rosmake your package. Have a look at this and this tutorial.

Btw. for just visualizing laser or point-cloud data, you don't need to program anything. RViz already has plugins for doing visualizing this data.

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Asked: 2012-04-12 06:52:49 -0500

Seen: 198 times

Last updated: Apr 12 '12