Why doesn't my workspace see a package in /opt/ros/indigo/share?
I installed the people package with "sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-people" which install the people package, people_msgs package and others. But when I try to use the package either by printing out a topic of a message from the people_msgs, or do "from people_msgs.msg import PositionMeasurement" in my python code, both fails to find the people_msgs package. But when I do "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" then I can see the package. Does anyone know why?
I'm also trying to add the people_msgs to my workspace under /my_ws/src or /my_ws/src/my_pkg/src, and modify the CMakeList.txt and package.xml, then try catkin_make which also fail because of dependency issue.
one possible cause would be that you've build your workspace without souring