problem with roslaunch command and Kinect camera_info [closed]
We are using Kinect connected to usb 2.0 port as required and diamondback ROS. Does Kinect need calibration?
We tried
rostopic echo /camera/depth/points
and this is publishing data.
but we tried the roslaunch command and it doesn't start the device but gives an error. we also used
rostopic echo /camera/rgb/camera_info
But this does not publish any data and due to that rviz gives an error on opening.
If it requires calibration, we found, in openni_node.launch this line:
`<rosparam command="load" file="$(file openni_camera)/info/openni_params.yaml"/>.`
Calibration parameters are present in openni_params.yaml that is used in openni_node.launch. Also found some other files in info folder. But still it does not access camera info.
I'm having this same issue: /camera/rgb/camera_info is not publishing any data. Has something changed?