SROS1 with Joystick and TurtleSim

asked 2019-03-17 22:00:42 -0600

citrusying gravatar image

updated 2019-03-17 22:01:10 -0600


I would like to use SROS1 to secure the ROS1 projects I'm working on because ROS1 is still very popular. The project involves a joystick to send user commands to move a robot, which I am representing with ROS turtlesim at the moment.

Thus, I would need to expand SROS1 to include both ROS driver for joystick and the ROS turtlesim packages. I tried installing the packages using the usual ROS way but SROS1 did not recognise the presence of these packages. I have also tried copying the joy and turtlesim folders into the SROS1 folders but SROS1 was still unable to find these packages.

Has anyone tried expanding SROS1 to include new packages? If so, appreciate if you can share how it was done and if the packages all have to be in python instead of C++ to work with SROS1.


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Afaik SROS1 only supports Python, so I would assume that anything you'd want to make secure would need to be Python based as well.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-03-18 02:23:34 -0600 )edit

Does this mean that the ROS drivers have to be in python as well? So the existing joy package (in C++) is incompatible?

citrusying gravatar image citrusying  ( 2019-03-18 03:03:40 -0600 )edit

I would assume so. SROS changes low-level communication infrastructure that is used for pub-sub, services and actions. Afaik roscpp has not been extended with the necessary security bits, so anything using that would not benefit from SROS.

See the Status section of the wiki/SROS page: it only lists rospy with TCPROS support.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-03-18 03:06:18 -0600 )edit

I see..thanks for sharing. In that case it would be very challenging to expand the current available SROS version to work with other existing ROS packages. Would a python script with python-evdev library to read joystick inputs be a viable replacement for the ROS joy driver then?

citrusying gravatar image citrusying  ( 2019-03-18 03:16:38 -0600 )edit

Would a python script with python-evdev library to read joystick inputs be a viable replacement for the ROS joy driver then?

The joy node isn't exactly rocket science-level, so sure. Anything that can produce legal (ie: semantically correct) Joy messages would be a possible replacement for it.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-03-18 03:23:40 -0600 )edit

Got it, thanks!

citrusying gravatar image citrusying  ( 2019-03-18 03:36:59 -0600 )edit