How to indicate MarkerArray topic and Path topic on web browser?

asked 2019-03-20 14:30:44 -0500

yoshiros gravatar image


I am trying to indicate my robot position(nav_msgs/Odometry), Path(nav_msgs/Path), and MarkerArray(visualization_msgs/MarkerArray) on my web browser to create a simple UI. These are shown in RViz on my laptop and I wanted to indicate at the web browser on my tablet as same. The tablet is connected in the same NetWork. So, the ROS topics will communicate beyond rosbridge.
The answer in "What is the best way to monitor and Remote control the Robot from Tablet?" shows that geometry_msg/Pose and nav_msg/OccupancyGrid are available to subscribe and indicate to the web browser by javascript libraries.
Is there any way to subscribe and indicate other topics on the web browser? If anyone knows the web page or book which describes it, please tell me.

Thank you in advance

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