Error while loading nodelet [/normal_estimation]
I'm using ROS Fuerte Beta 1 on Ubuntu 11.10.
I tried to compile pcl_ros nodelets. There were some errors related to old PCL library API, I fixed them. When I try roslaunch Package node.launch
I receive next error:
[ERROR] [1334687385.411350875]: Failed to load nodelet [/normal_estimation] of type [pcl/NormalEstimation]: Failed to load library /home/crady/ros/perception_pcl/pcl_ros/lib/ Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_REGISTER_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Cannot load library: /home/crady/ros/perception_pcl/pcl_ros/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN3pcl18BoundaryEstimationINS_8PointXYZENS_6NormalENS_8BoundaryEE14computeFeatureERNS_10PointCloudIS3_EE
[FATAL] [1334687385.412377822]: Service call failed!
So, seems that pcl::BoundryEstimation<pointxyz, normal,="" boundry="">::computeFeature(PointCloud) is missing. Where may be problem?
It might help to know the exact roslaunch code you are using. here it is.
Some additions: nodelet manager fails to load exactly this nodelet, other works fine. Error says that it missing library that contains this symbol (BoundryEstimation). I assume that somewhere in manifest.xml or plugin.xml for pcl_ros missed this link. But I can't find it for this moment.