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rosbridge (dynamic_reconfigure function?)

asked 2012-04-18 06:08:46 -0500

BeuBeu gravatar image

Hello everybody ,

After few days trying to make rosbridge work, I finaly succeeded. Thank you to Tjay for his answers and his patience. I want to develop several widget for the client more oriented javascript and html5 than ros.

I would like to know if a dynamic_reconfigure and a simple echo functions are available in the rosbridge API or should i create my_own services ?



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2 Answers

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answered 2012-04-19 06:27:32 -0500

tjay gravatar image

In general, we try to keep the services that rosbridge itself provides to a minimum (type discovery, etc.). That said, rosbridge should have no problem allowing you to use a simple ROS echo service. I'm not actually familiar with the underlying way in which dynamic_reconfigure clients work However, if they are "pure" (i.e. are implemented on top of topics and services instead of via linking), writing a Javascript client could be more involved but definitely be possible. Users have written actionlib clients in Javascript, for example.

If you're looking at using an echo service to help you debug, I've always found it helpful to use the rostopic command-line tools pub command. I just leave it publishing to a topic at a given rate.

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answered 2012-04-19 23:41:55 -0500

BeuBeu gravatar image

Thank you again Tjay,

Your echo solution is really nice. I will try to create my own service for the dynamic reconfigure. I keep you in touch with my progress.


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Asked: 2012-04-18 06:08:46 -0500

Seen: 409 times

Last updated: Apr 19 '12