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swri-ros-pkg and MotoPlus IDE

asked 2012-04-18 12:37:28 -0500

jcgarciaca gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:12:00 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I downloaded the ROS stack Desktop-Full Install and it works well. Now, I want to create a DX100 Server Application ( I have the swri-ros-pkg-read-only repository in my laptop, but I suppose I must add it to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH system variable.

This is my file:


source /opt/ros/electric/setup.bash export ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/electric/ros export PATH=$ROS_ROOT/bin:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=$ROS_ROOT/core/roslib/src:$PYTHONPATH export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/ros_workspace:/opt/ros/electric/stacks:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

I think I have to change the last line, but I'm not sure how it must be. Additionally, I haven't used MotoPlus IDE, so I would like to know where I can find some tutorials or information about it.


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1 Answer

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answered 2012-04-19 04:23:49 -0500

I believe you are asking two questions here:

#1. How to build a ROS package/stack - You are correct that your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH needs to be updated to include the location where you placed ROS-Industrial. It should looks something like:

ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=<ros-industrial path="">:~/ros_workspace:/opt/ros/electric/stacks:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Once this is set you should be able to run rosmake from the stack of interest.

#2. How to build the server application (which resides on the Motoman controller) - This requires MotoPlus and associated documentation. This is available from Motoman. This part should make more sense when you get familiar with MotoPlus.

FYI...It appears you are using ROS Electric. Some parts of ROS-Industrial rely on Fuerte functionality. I suggest you upgrade ( )

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Asked: 2012-04-18 12:37:28 -0500

Seen: 524 times

Last updated: Apr 19 '12