3D mapping with octomap
I want to use octomap and while I tried this out I had some problems. When I started octomap_server and rviz I realized that the sensor is looking only in one way, even if I rotate my robot (my fixed frame is odom). I did it like in this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF2ml...
And then I read that I need to use e.g. cartographer to slam. Is this correct? So the steps are:
- I have to set up cartographer 2D and octomap
- cartographer uses laser scan, imu and octomap rgbd
- cartographer publishes the map
- In octomap_mapping.launch change the value of frame_id to map
- remap to pointcloud
Should it work with these steps? **And one more question: Is it possible to use multiple pointclouds in octomap? I have read this: https://answers.ros.org/question/4405... but I am using two same cameras and they have the same node and I don't know how to publish these two to one topic. And I didn't get how the topic_tools relay works
I hope someone can help me