‘logError’ was not declared in this scope
We are trying to launch kinova on ubuntu 14.04 ros indigo and we encountered this problem during installation:
In file included from /home/pcss/catkin_ws/src/kinova-ros/kinova_moveit/inverse_kinematics_plugins/ikfast/j2s7s300_ikfast/src/j2s7s300_robot_arm_ikfast_moveit_plugin.cpp:49:0:
/opt/ros/indigo/include/moveit/kinematics_base/kinematics_base.h: In member function ‘virtual bool kinematics::KinematicsBase::searchPositionIK(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose_<std::allocator<void> > >&, const std::vector<double>&, double, const std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&, const IKCallbackFn&, moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes&, const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions&, const moveit::core::RobotState*) const’:
/opt/ros/indigo/include/moveit/kinematics_base/kinematics_base.h:318:115: error: ‘logError’ was not declared in this scope
This kinematic solver does not support searchPositionIK with multiple poses");
We don't know what to do next. We have already installed different versions of console_bridge and moveit.
I also encountered a similar problem, and the console_ bridge has been installed in the system. In fact, the reason for this problem is the version of console_ bridge. You can find the header file of console_ bridge in the system,then open it and you will find that thelogError defined in it is different. So, my solution is to uninstall the console_ bridge and manually compile and install it from the source code.
/home/pi/catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp: In member function ‘bool tf2::BufferCore::warnFrameId(const char*, const string&) const’: /home/pi/catkin_ws/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp:126:34: error: ‘logWarn’ was not declared in this scope logWarn("%s",ss.str().c_str()); error: ‘logError’ was not declared in this scope logError("Unknown error code: %d", retval);