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Turtlebot rviz Camera & Point Cloud2 topics not available to choose

asked 2012-04-24 18:09:28 -0500

RobotRoss gravatar image

updated 2012-04-25 08:12:36 -0500

mmwise gravatar image

Following "Visualizing Turtlebot Kinect Data" tutorial, can add Camera and Point Cloud 2 (Yellow background), but Image Topic depth or rgb choices are not listed. Image window is black. Dashboard Diagnostic & Breaker 0 so Kinect is powered on-blinking green light and red laser is on.

Workstation roswtf gives this:

Found 16 error(s).

ERROR Communication with [/robot_state_publisher] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/master_sync_Herschel_15710_1025976273] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/diagnostic_aggregator] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/kinect_laser_narrow] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/rviz_1335325216462728209] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_dashboard_3012_1335324855229] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/openni_manager] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/robot_pose_ekf] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/openni_camera] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/kinect_laser] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/pointcloud_throttle] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/rosout] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_laptop_battery] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_node] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/app_manager] raised an error: 
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_dashboard_cpp_1335324855385011408] raised an error:

What should I check or edit?

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3 Answers

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answered 2012-06-25 16:30:51 -0500

RobotRoss gravatar image

The problem was fixed after discovering there appears to have been a power problem with my iCreate base. Powering the Kinect with its provided AC supply (rather than the Turtlebot Gyro and Power Adapter) and manually running roscore and kinect.launch result in good Camera and PointCloud 2 operation.

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answered 2012-04-24 22:45:34 -0500

karthik gravatar image

Hi, I am hoping that you have followed the link to do this. I guess the problem faced here is due to the communication between the turtlebot(netbook) and workstation.

If teleop tutorial worked for you earlier to this then the communication may be fine. This could be an issue as you are trying to transfer all the cloud (640x480) over wireless lan.

You may confirm where the problem is by directly visualizing the same on the turtlebot(netbook) itself having taken it out of the turtlebot rack and openning the closed lid of the laptop. If you are able to see the cloud in the rviz there. Then its for sure the rate of pointclouds being published from the netbook to the workstation.

If you are not able to visualize the cloud in the netbook please try to echo the topic of the cloud. It may have to do with the configuration of the laptop you are using on the turtlebot as well.

I see the above possibilities for this error.

Hope this helps, Karthik

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yes I am followinng that link. I ran rviz on Workstation and directly on the Netbook with the same result.

RobotRoss gravatar image RobotRoss  ( 2012-04-26 18:03:31 -0500 )edit

answered 2012-04-26 18:28:04 -0500

RobotRoss gravatar image

With kinect.launch running, doing rostopic list give a long list of /camera/rgb/image_xxx, /kinect_laser/xxx, /openni_camera/xxx topics. Global Status is OK, Fixed Frame & Target Frame are to /base_link. Adding a Robot shows the small icon & can apply a grid. Still no Camera or PountCloud2 topics to select. Can you suggest any further diagnostics to run? I can see the Kinect red laser & blinking green led. (and the Android Tab Teleop app works.

Here's the roswtf ERROR Communication with [/rviz_1335498109296442888] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/kinect_laser_narrow] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/openni_camera] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/master_sync_Herschel_27823_510701832] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/rosout] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/diagnostic_aggregator] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/openni_manager] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/robot_state_publisher] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/rviz_1335500211257772167] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_node] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/pointcloud_throttle] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/kinect_laser] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/app_manager] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/robot_pose_ekf] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_laptop_battery] raised an error:

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Asked: 2012-04-24 18:09:28 -0500

Seen: 893 times

Last updated: Jun 25 '12