Laptop connected to roscore host, does not receive messages
I was having some problems setting up my wifi network with a laptop and a pandaboard. The pandaboard starts its own wifi network through hostapd and the laptop connects to that network. The ROS_MASTER_URI is correctly set (ROS_HOSTNAME too, to '', but I'm not sure it's still required) to (Pandaboard) and the laptop can indeed communicate with the roscore (doing for example rostopic list gives me the correct list of currently active topics).
However if I do the following command on the laptop :
rostopic pub -r 1 /test std_msgs/String hello
rostopic echo /test
on the pandaboard, no messages are received. If I switch 'roles', no messages are received either. If I send and echo on the pandaboard, it does display messages. If I send and echo on the laptop, no messages are displayed.
If I connect both to my home network and set the ROS_MASTER_URI to its local IP everything works fine, but I don't always have such a network available... Is there something wrong with my hostapd network?