Which topics to use?
Hi all!
I am currently deciding which topics from the kinect camera should I use. As I am absolutely new to ROS I thought that maybe someone with more experience could suggest an appropriate way.
In the end I need data, which would contain color and depth information for each pixel of recordered images. I also need to represent this information as a 4D array (or 3D for color + 1D for depth) of raw numbers as I need to process them afterwards.
By now I recorded a bag file with topics:
- /camera/rgb/image_raw
- /camera/depth/image_raw
But then I found this article and am considering to record a new bag file with topics:
- /camera/rgb/image_color -- this gives me a color image
- /camera/depth/image_raw -- this gives me depth in mm
I am thinking of then converting image_color via this (part 1.5) method to a cv::Mat format.
I would be very grateful if anyone would say if I'm thinking in the right direction. Thank you in advance.
You should probably record the corresponding /camera/*/camera_info topics, too. They contain useful calibration information.