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Ackermann robot gazebo simulation?

asked 2019-08-18 21:31:01 -0500

PapaG gravatar image


Does anyone know of an existing ackermann robot available for use in gazebo? I require an ackermann robot for a simulation task but don't have the data to construct a replication of my own robot (inertial and dimensions). Just want to throw it on an ackermann robot and see how it goes :)

Thanks, Grant

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I have cleaned up the robotnik rbcar simulation .

Hope someone finds this useful

chrissunny94 gravatar image chrissunny94  ( 2020-04-20 01:42:46 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-08-18 23:09:35 -0500

robustify gravatar image

I made one to teach students about Ackermann kinematics:

The control interface is throttle percentage, brake torque, and steering wheel angle. It attempts to implement as realistic of a dynamic response to those signals as possible. There are some example launch files in the repo to get you started.

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Did you have teleop file this model or how can i control the car model

SteadyStatError gravatar image SteadyStatError  ( 2021-04-01 19:08:44 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-08-18 21:31:01 -0500

Seen: 1,847 times

Last updated: Aug 18 '19