Stopping and waiting for an obstacle to get out of the way
Hello all,
I am currently using move_base with teb_local_planner for a swerve drive mobile robot setup. Overall, this sutup seams to be working ok and it avoids obstacles when introduced. However, I am wondering if there is a way to force the local planner following just the global plan trajectory and stop the robot if an obstacle is introduced on its way. In other words, I want to stop the robot from trying to dynamically avoid any obstacles. Also, I want the robot to resume its trajectory when the obstacle in its path is removed. Do you know if this behavior is possible to be achieved using move_base and teb_local_planner and what parameters need to be changed to do that?
Thank you in advance.
The idea of the teb_local_planner is to dynamically avoid obstacles. You are asking it to do essentially the opposite of what it is meant to do, perhaps just write a node that detects obstacles (from cost map) intersecting your path (bounding box) and send 0 command if so?
Hey @Zoid, did you ever find on how to stop the robot until the obstacle is cleared and then complete the navigation? Or did have to write your own global planner or something?