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How can I use mjpeg_server package ?

asked 2019-08-22 10:40:43 -0500

WhatWhat gravatar image

updated 2019-08-23 09:26:00 -0500


So I am really new to ROS. and I m trying to use the image/video that mjpeg_server(or ros_web_video) gets from a topic I created to my own HTML page not the default one that the package uses. I need only the image. I tried directly grabbing it from the link but i get in my browser's console couldn't connect to 8080 (maybe because I m already connected to an other websocket that i launched with rosbridge pkg which uses port 9090). I am using ROS Kinetic with Ubuntu 16.04.

Thank you in advance!

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-08-30 03:39:25 -0500

WhatWhat gravatar image

So I figured it out. i used the web_video_server package to do it. At first I used an <iframe> to display the video feed in my html page which doesn't work. However using an <img> with the second URL that I overlooked works. the URL I used is in the package wiki under 2.1 Available URLs. So at the end i got something like this: <img src="https://localhost:8080/stream?topic=/camera/rgb/image_raw">

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Asked: 2019-08-22 10:40:43 -0500

Seen: 183 times

Last updated: Aug 30 '19