No data from SICK S300 in ROS
Using the cob_sick_s300 package and an RS422 -> USB connection to a Raspberry Pi I can't seem to get any data that will visualise in ROS/RVIZ although I am able to view the incoming data in a python program reading from the /dev/ttyUSB0 interface.
s300_launch.launch file
<rosparam command ="load" file="$(find cob_sick_s300)s300_config.yaml"/>
s300_config.yaml file
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
baud: 38400
scan_duration: 0.025
scan_cycle_time: 0.040
inverted: true
scan_id: 7
frame_id: laser
scan_intervals: [[-1.3526, 1.361357]]
Can you show what your rviz looks like? It is possible you don't have rviz configured correctly.
I've added the laserscan and tried to add the topic for the scanner, however before doing so I'm unable to find it using rostopic list as it only shows
file doesn't appear to start any node(s). It just loads some parameters from a.yaml
file.No driver is started, which would explain why you're not seeing any topics other than the default ones, and no data is being published.
Oh, what would I need to do to start a node in this context?
You'll have to figure out how to actually start the driver. I don't have any experience with that package, so I wouldn't know.
There may be other
files that you could use. I'd check for those first.Have you checked the wiki page of the package? It refers to launch files in
that you may be able to use as templates/examples.Have a look here for an explanation on roslaunch using XML: I was also able to find this for kinetic. Might be useful as an example.
I'm having trouble with the cob_hardware_config package as I can't seem to find it through apt-get. It doesn't seem to be a Melodic package