Why am I getting Costmap2DROS transform timeouts and how can i solve the problem?

asked 2019-10-15 10:58:29 -0500

juliandj gravatar image

updated 2019-10-16 04:45:55 -0500

Hi there,

I am trying to get the move_base node running on my computer. But it will not work. My costmaps are either empty or mostly not being published. Actually nothing really happens besides that I see topics of move_base getting published.

The whole setup consists of an opencv image processing node which computes an obstacle map and a kind of global map out of depth pictures from a bag file (originally from an IntelRealSense D435), and another node who transforms my base_link coordinate frame with odometry information from a T265 tracking camera (but also played back from bag file) and publishes odometry information. No localization with data from lasers or pointclouds, no amcl.

I see that this setup does not meet one hardware requirement of ros navigation which is that you have to have a laser or another data source for localization but I think this should not be the problem.

First my tf tree.

So, when I start the move_base node I get the following warnings. To this time the odometry topic published with 30 Hz. base_link (with odom as the parent frame) gets transformed at the same frequency.

[ WARN] [1571154321.896441087]: Trajectory Rollout planner initialized with param meter_scoring not set. Set it to true to make your settins robust against changes of costmap resolution.
[ WARN] [1571154322.796256916]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154322.7962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000
[ WARN] [1571154323.796266111]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154323.7962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000
[ WARN] [1571154325.296309381]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154325.2962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000
[ WARN] [1571154326.796244495]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154326.7962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000
[ WARN] [1571154327.796246519]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154327.7962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000
[ WARN] [1571154328.796254528]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154328.7962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000
[ WARN] [1571154329.796265650]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154329.7962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000
[ WARN] [1571154330.796270375]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1571154330.7962, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 1.0000

I assume they cause that for example I see no costmaps, no footprint in Rviz.

Because I have read some articles about the problem here I also checked my tf publishing delays and frequencies. All frames except base_link are static transformations. The static transformations are only done once when the image processing node starts. Here is an excerpt from the monitor.

Frame: base_footprint published by unknown_publisher(static) Average Delay: 0 Max Delay: 0
Frame: base_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.000179629 Max Delay: 0.00141772
Frame: d435_color_optical_frame published by unknown_publisher(static) Average Delay: 0 Max Delay: 0
Frame: d435_link published by unknown_publisher(static) Average Delay: 0 Max Delay: 0
Frame: map published by unknown_publisher(static) Average Delay: 0 Max Delay: 0
Frame: odom published by unknown_publisher(static) Average Delay: 0 Max Delay: 0
Frame: t265_link published by unknown_publisher(static) Average Delay: 0 Max Delay: 0 ...
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