ROS2 Play bag-file Error

asked 2019-10-31 14:34:41 -0600

occonni gravatar image

updated 2019-11-01 05:56:56 -0600

Hey guys,

Maybe one of you can help me: If I want to play a bag file (in ROS2 the .db3) the following Error occurs:

bryan@bryan:~$ ros2 bag play /home/bryan/Schreibtisch/rosbag2_2019_10_28-13_05_52/
ros2 bag is currently under development and not ready to use yet
[INFO] [rosbag2_storage]: Opened database '/home/bryan/Schreibtisch/rosbag2_2019_10_28-13_05_52/'.

ROS 2 should be installed fine: If I'm using :

$ sudo apt install ros-crystal-desktop

There is everything up to date. After that I've downloaded the ROS2-BAG-PACKAGE as following:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-crystal-ros2bag* ros-crystal-rosbag2*

There is also everything up to date if I'm repeating this command. After that i have sourced the setup.bash

$ source /opt/ros/crystal/setup.bash

But the Error occurs again and again. If I try to play that file, 2 files are gonna be created (.db3-shm and .db3-wal), maybe thats an important fact.

Could anybody please help me?



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can you elaborate what error you see? If you worried about the disclaimer, that's hardcoded in the crystal release.

Are the messages published? Does ros2 bag info ... work?

Karsten gravatar image Karsten  ( 2019-11-12 12:49:19 -0600 )edit