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Which version of FCL is ROS Melodic MoveIt using?

asked 2019-11-07 11:20:41 -0500

ap gravatar image


On this MoveIt link it says ROS Kinetic is using fcl-0.5 and Melodic is using master.

After downloading MoveIt on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18, ROS Melodic, it seems the file structure for fcl still matches that of fcl-0.5 and not of master on the fcl link.

Which is the correct version of FCL to use for ROS Melodic MoveIt ?

What progression does ROS MoveIt intend to use?

Thank you

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-11-07 11:32:56 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

According to ros/rosdistro/rosdep/base.yaml, the libfcl-dev key resolves to libfcl-dev for Ubuntu Bionic (which is what ROS Melodic is supported on).

Looking at that gives us 0.5.0-5 as version on Ubuntu Bionic.

So it would seem to be 0.5.x for both.

It's likely the page wasn't correctly updated since the initial instructions for Melodic were added (note the "TODO: test these instructions for Melodic and update this page." at the top of the page), and master was used at some point for Bionic/Melodic.

What progression does ROS MoveIt intend to use?

I'm not sure I understand this.

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Asked: 2019-11-07 11:20:41 -0500

Seen: 389 times

Last updated: Nov 07 '19