Raspicam with Rviz
- Turtlebot3 from Robotis
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
- Raspi Camera installed
I have the raspbery pi camera set up well enough so that when I run rqt_image_view I see the image. Oddly the topic is something like /raspicam_node/image/compressed_mouse_left . No idea what mouse_left means in this context.
Rostopic List shows:
When I specify node=/raspicam_node/image I get the closest. (Note that rqt_image shows the image fine and mentions a weird topic: "/raspicam_node/image/compressed_mouse_left" which doesn't work in Riz.)
The closest I get Rviz to work with the camera is when i specify topic raspicam_node/image.
Then in the RVIz box I see:
Status: Warn
Image: No Image Received
Camera Info: received
Topic: OK
And the image area in RVIz is just black! What am I missing?
"/raspicam_node/image/compressed_mouse_left" -- really? Where is that coming from?