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Using Autoware in Matlab simulation

asked 2019-11-28 01:27:42 -0500

Mohsen.ciw gravatar image

Hi all, I am going to make a simulation of self-driving cars with Matlab and Autoware. In Matlab, there is a scenario generation that creates a simple scenario to analyse the self-driving vehicle action(e.g. the action of the vehicle in front of several actors).

I plan to use Autoware as my decision making algorithms. Actually create a connection between Matlab and Autoware is my purpose which Matlab creates the scenario and Autoware act as a decision-maker.

At the first stage, I want to use a simple scenario which is facing a pedestrian. As you know Autoware needs to load map and sensor data. But here I don’t have any of them. In fact, I just want to use pure pursuit algorithm. I appreciate if you can give me some point to make this connection.

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2 Answers

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answered 2019-11-29 02:44:50 -0500

simon-t4 gravatar image

The latest version of Autoware.AI has pure pursuit implemented as a package (pure_pursuit) in the core_planning repository. Older versions might be in the waypoint_follower package.

The pure pursuit nodes subscribes to final_waypoints, current_pose and current_vel topics so you will have to prvide those in order to run the node.

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Thanks for your responce, I should work with this nodes, and publish my data to it, then share my result here.

Mohsen.ciw gravatar image Mohsen.ciw  ( 2019-11-29 05:01:35 -0500 )edit

answered 2019-11-28 02:42:25 -0500

sgermanserrano gravatar image

@Mohsen.ciw for the connection you can look at using Matlab's Robotics Systems Toolbox which will give you access to the topics and can create nodes on Matlab side

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I already did, but the problem is finding the main node is very hard. which node pure pursuit is using and how can I ignore loading map and localization. I don't have any real sensor instead I can get the position from Matlab. but I don't know where should I start?

Mohsen.ciw gravatar image Mohsen.ciw  ( 2019-11-28 06:44:19 -0500 )edit

I need to use autoware to control my ego vehicle in simulation tool based on matlab. I am able to create bridge betwwen autoware and my simulation tool but autoware is not able to control my vehicle in simulation tool. I don't have map data and sensor data.

elnino_009 gravatar image elnino_009  ( 2020-03-10 01:06:06 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-11-28 01:25:43 -0500

Seen: 340 times

Last updated: Nov 29 '19